e-Learning Developer

Tag Archive: free fall

Projectile Game

In this game, you must deploy the projectile equations to win.
The game consists of three levels, each of which must be completed by scoring at least 8 out of a possible 10 tries. In the first level, you must hit a ground target that shifts position after each attempt. In the second level, you will need to alter the ball’s trajectory to pass over a wall. In the third level, the target flies and changes position both horizontally and vertically in each trial.

Free Fall

Falling apple

This experiment demonstrates that in the absence of air resistance, two freely falling bodies, when released from the same height, they take the same time interval to reach the ground.

السقوط الحر

Falling apple

توضح هذه التجربة أنه في حالة سقوط جسمين بحرية مع انعدام مقاومة الهواء، ومع إطلاقهما من نفس الارتفاع، فإنهما يأخذان نفس الفترة الزمنية للوصول إلى الأرض. يدل ذلك على أن كلا الجسمين يكتسبان نفس المقدار من السرعة عندما يسقطان

Free Fall Simulation

Free Fall Simulation

A new simulation, that simulates the free fall of an object (ball). This simulation gives the ability to measure the acceleration of gravity by taking successive shots of the falling object with recording the time of each shot and measuring the coordinate y for each shot. It also enables us to check the famous free fall equation:
y = (1/2) gt²