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Tag Archive: photocurrent vs potential

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An inspiring code

توقفت عن التفكير كمبرمج في تلك المرحلة وعدت إلى التفكير كفيزيائي. لقد أذهلني كيف يمكننا محاكاة الظواهر الفيزيائية ببضعة أسطر من التعليمات البرمجية.

An Inspiring Code

An inspiring code

These lines portray a tale of creation and vanishing. It describes the creation of a photon, its subsequent disappearance when an electron absorbs it on the cathode plate’s surface, the subsequent departure of the electron from the cathode, and lastly the eventual disappearance of the electron when it reaches the other plate and captured.

Photoelectric Effect Experiment Simulation

Photoelectric effect simulation

With this comprehensive and realistic-like photoelectric effect experiment simulation, you will be able to illustrate the following:
The variations of the photocurrent versus potential.
The variations of the photocurrent versus light intensity.
The variation of the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons versus the incident light frequency.
It comes with a graph where you can trace each type of variation as you vary the parameters of the experiment.
Plus, you can experiment and discover more with this simulation.