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Tag Archive: physics education

Simply Motivating

Simple Circuit

I conducted countless experiments in class throughout the course of my many years of teaching physics to motivate the students. However, I had never anticipated to find that nothing delighted the students as much as the simplest activity where I or the students made a light bulb light up by connecting a switch, wires and a battery.

A New Publication Based on The Virtual Oscilloscope Simulation

Virtual Oscilloscope

The paper: Using a web-based and stand-alone oscilloscope for physics experiment during Covid-19 pandemic, Mahizah Ismail et al (2023),  Phys. Educ. 58 015006, is based on the Virtual Oscilloscope simulation. This paper was authored by Mahizah Ismail, Farid Minawi, Wan Zul Adli Wan Mokhtar, Noraihan L Abdul Rashid and Ahmad K Ariffin.
The article DOI: