When my Virtual Oscilloscope was mistaken for just a picture!
This story always reminds me how much work we still have to do in Lebanon to bridge the gap in technological literacy among educators!
This story always reminds me how much work we still have to do in Lebanon to bridge the gap in technological literacy among educators!
In creating interactive educational tools, simplicity is power. A minimalist design doesn’t just look clean; it helps learners focus on what truly matters. Instead of overwhelming the user with unnecessary details, focus on providing a clear, interactive interface that mirrors the real-world experience.
That moment stuck with me. It showed me how powerful simulations can be in breaking down complex ideas. It’s the reason I decided to learn how to develop science simulations to make learning easier for others.
Sometimes, all it takes is one moment to change your path!
I created this course and published it on my Moodle platform. Each module is a SCORM package, with a course evaluation survey at the end and a completion certificate.
The course is tracked, and you must successfully complete each chapter to unlock the next one. The course is fully learner-centered.
I conducted countless experiments in class throughout the course of my many years of teaching physics to motivate the students. However, I had never anticipated to find that nothing delighted the students as much as the simplest activity where I or the students made a light bulb light up by connecting a switch, wires and a battery.
توقفت عن التفكير كمبرمج في تلك المرحلة وعدت إلى التفكير كفيزيائي. لقد أذهلني كيف يمكننا محاكاة الظواهر الفيزيائية ببضعة أسطر من التعليمات البرمجية.
These lines portray a tale of creation and vanishing. It describes the creation of a photon, its subsequent disappearance when an electron absorbs it on the cathode plate’s surface, the subsequent departure of the electron from the cathode, and lastly the eventual disappearance of the electron when it reaches the other plate and captured.
The paper: Using a web-based and stand-alone oscilloscope for physics experiment during Covid-19 pandemic, Mahizah Ismail et al (2023), Phys. Educ. 58 015006, is based on the Virtual Oscilloscope simulation. This paper was authored by Mahizah Ismail, Farid Minawi, Wan Zul Adli Wan Mokhtar, Noraihan L Abdul Rashid and Ahmad K Ariffin.
The article DOI: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6552/ac95eb
من أسباب كتابة هذا المقال الصغير هو حال الشباب وابتعادهم عن القراءة وإعمال الفكر وإضاعتهم للوقت وانحيازهم لسلوك المسارات الحياتية السهلة، وما لذلك من خطورة على مستقبل الأمة حيث ينضب النتاج العلمي والفكري (الذي هو أصلا في حالة مزرية حاضرا)، وأملي أن أساهم ولو مثقال ذرة في كسر القيود النمطية التي تكبّل انطلاقة فكر شبابي منتج. فلطالما كنا مجتمعات مستهلكة حتى في الفكر والعلم والمعرفة.
البعض يريد هدم بديهيات عقلية بحجة مناقضتها لبعض نتائج العلوم التجريبية التي بُنيت على الرياضيات والذي أُسِّسَ على هذه البديهيات العقلية، فهو بذلك كمن يبني بناءً ثم يهدم أساساته، فكيف إذن يستطيع إكمال هذا البناء؟!